Your guide to ‘Movember’

In November, men around the world start growing out their mustaches in support of various male health issues. Where some may be lucky enough to reach the goal within the month, because of the speed of their hair growth, others might struggle to achieve the full bush. However, here are steps you can take that will help.

Every year, on the day after Halloween, another Movember begins: The men around the world start growing out their mustaches in support of various male health issues, including prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health issues. The Movember campaign is observed every year in order to raise awareness around the hair which cancer patients lose.

Movember is an amalgamation of the two words ‘moustache’ and ‘November’ merged together to become ‘Movember’. The term ‘Movember’ became a thing in the 1990s in Australia, and since then has evolved into a big awareness campaign held every November, with a foundation with the same name that was started in 2003 by Travis Garone and Luke Slattery in Melbourne. Since then the non-profit organization (NGO), has grown worldwide and has been ranked as one of the Top 100 NGOs in the world by NGO Advisor.

Growing a beard is not part of Movember. That’s NoShave November! This means that men must also shave their sideburns.

In addition to Movember, the month of November is also known as NoShave November. According to, NoShave November was started in 2009 in the US and encourages men to grow a beard and refrain from grooming their hair, trimming it or cutting it. These men then donate money towards cancer (not just male-related cancers, but female-related as well) that they ordinarily would have spent on grooming their hair and beard.

The rules to growing the moustache are fairly simple: don’t shave/trim it off throughout the month of November and ask every friend or family member to sponsor it.

Participation is not only fun, but simple. Men are challenged to start the month clean-shaven and grow a Mo. The mustache becomes the hairy ribbon for men’s health and the guys growing them become a walking billboard for 30 days. The growth of a new Mo inspires conversations about not often talked about topics – men’s health and cancer affecting them.

Where some may be lucky enough to reach the goal within the month, because of the speed of their hair growth, others might struggle to achieve the full bush. However, there are steps you can take that will help.

Facial hair tends to grow thickest where the blood flows more generously. So one way to increase the blood flow is to follow some facial exercises. There are also supplements you can opt for that contain nutrients and vitamins your body requires to speed up the process of growing hair. Castor oil can be a good source too, apply it on upper lips for a thicker mo.

Apart from facial exercises, change in lifestyle will contribute the most in helping you grow the facial hair. A high-protein diet with the inclusion of fruits and vegetables, with plenty of sleep will amp up the testosterone levels, associated with mustache and beard growth.

Since it’s already mid of the month, assuming that your mustache and beard is well on its growth levels, we just want to set out a warning that things are going to take a downfall before they get better and that includes inevitable, itchy stage. But this is important that you stand tall and fight through.

You may find yourself in an agonising upper-lip midpoint that is not only irritating but looks pretty unpleasant on that face too. But you’ll have to earn the best look — wait till it fully grows.

Once you have a beautiful, dense moustache you can have the perfect look you want. Some tips:

  1. The things you will eat will definitely stuck up on or in it, So shampoo and condition the dense moustache you’ve got. This will not only help you keep it strong and soft, but will also prevent ingrowing hairs.
  2. To maintain the shape of your face — use small fine toothed comb and a pair of scissors. Do not cut generously. Trim them time to time to keep them tidy.
  3. Trim when dry: Much like the hair on your beautiful head, only trim your moustache when it’s dry as wet hair is heavier and you might find that you cut too much after your ’stach dries.