General Manager Matthijs Bos and the team at Gymmito urge you to get back into a fitness routine.

Are you thinking about hitting the gym again after the long and boring lockdown? Then stop postponing it for whatever reason and let the wonderful team of Gymmito Fitness Club convince you to take that final step onto what they call ‘a perpetual fitness journey’.

Invest in Yourself (and your family)
GM Matthijs Alexander Bos
It all starts with realising that a club membership is not an expense, but rather an investment in physical and mental well-being. Especially because we have been stuck at home for months now, you should be mindful of the welfare of your body and mind more than ever. It’s the best time to invest in the upkeep of yourself.

To be an active gym member is ultimately cheaper than having to go through physiotherapy. A little-known fact is that people get injured because they ‘go at it alone’, overdo it after being inactive for a long time or workout at compound gyms with unqualified freelancers. It is undoubtedly more beneficial to be able to talk to and be guided by educated and experienced instructors in a professional environment.

Anybody’s fitness journey throughout their life will be influenced by various factors inherent to life itself, such as age and medical history. Interests or physical abilities may change, therefore diversity in club services is key to an efficient workout. Plenty of members at Gymmito have moved from regular fitness to martial arts or taken on functional training at The Den. Parenthood can be a culprit causing fitness decline as lack of time and energy are common among parents. At Gymmito, parents can drop their children at our gymnastics facility and pop into the gym for a workout. My advice – look at your situation, find your fitness niche and invest in yourself!

Fitness Manager Colin Fraser
Whether your fitness goals are short- or long-term, you should use SMART goal setting for the best outcome. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. This may sound like a cliché, but it is highly effective in, for instance, weight-loss management. When it comes to weightloss management, as a trainer I aim for 0.5 to 1kg per week, depending on circumstances.

As a manager, I urge the Gymmito team to find a balance between providing top-notch, quality training while also keeping it fun. The fitness industry is about personalities. Each person has his or her own manual. No two clients are identical, so during our hiring process we specifically look at the personalities of the trainers, next to their qualifications and skillset. For example, Gymmito trainers Kris, Anita and Ahmed are completely different characters.

Take It Slowly
Personal Trainer Kris Barr
Be mindful when going back to the gym. It is wise to take a few steps back from where you left off. For instance, if you could run five times 10km per week but haven’t run in months, start at 5km and build yourself back up. Likewise, if you could bench press and deadlift 100kg, you should be sensible and pull the weight back. Go into the gym with a clear plan of what you’re doing that day and track your progress after each session. This will help you see your improvement numbers. Think about your meals too, fitness isn’t just pumping some weights.

Don’t waste your time! Spending 60 minutes at the gym training doesn’t work when you are on the phone half the time. Leave your phone in your locker! Don’t cancel more sessions than you show up for. Hiring a trainer isn’t the hard part; know that the heavy lifting can’t be done for you! Be prepared to work hard to achieve results, commit to yourself. Honestly, I am a nice guy but not a bubbly trainer, I expect punctuality and commitment.

Energy Through Diversity!
Personal Trainer Anita Szucs Szabo
You see them, looking depressed and low on energy. Glued to the couch, addicted to Netflix. I am sure you have friends like that. Or maybe it is you… Post-Covid depression is real and has only one solution – get moving! As a personal trainer, I understand how difficult it is to get motivated again. For me, it is easy to energise myself, that’s why I chose to be a fitness professional. I have so much energy and am happy to share it with you. As a trainer, I always advise to diversify. That’s why I am all over Gymmito. You will see me in The Den, the studio or in the main gym leading a variety of classes. Positivity is key in training. If you find it difficult to locate that positivity within yourself, come to Gymmito. I will find it for you! I will guide you by planning your fitness regime, encouraging you to change your habits and advising you throughout the fitness journey. Above all, I will make sure you find your passion!

Friend & Confidant!
Personal Trainer Ahmed Jbili
Personal training is my passion. As my client, you are my friend and I am your confidant, although sometimes you may dislike me for pushing you hard to discover your limits. Goals are important, but never forget comfort and fun, as your fitness journey should encompass all! Coming out of a lockdown, I’d say don’t rush things and keep it simple. If you’re a beginner, try to stick to the basics, don’t aspire to advanced exercises such as compound exercises and deadlift squats. My goal is to create consciousness and try to positively influence your lifestyle. Throughout our sessions, I will casually talk to you about nutrition and supplements. After all, exercise is not limited to, say, two or three hours of personal training per week. As we say at Gymmito: ‘fitness is a perpetual journey’. ✤